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Online Graphic Creation


Many authors, readers, and budding Instagrammers are keen to create their own graphic layouts. You might have a great quote you'd like to create the perfect background for, a book cover to promote, or images you want to give a little extra pizzazz to before uploading to #Instagram.

I use several programs/apps to create graphics depending on my target market, social platform, and my mood at any given moment.

I'll be sharing my favourite graphics apps on this page. If you'd like to check out some of my creations, head to my Facebook & Instagram feeds.


I've only just started using Bookbrush and I have to tell you, it's a lot of fun. Easy to use, creative, use templates provided, community templates, or make your own from scratch. So far I've made a Facebook ad, a postcard, and a video.

There's a free version, which is suitable if you're not planning on taking over the world with your graphics, but if you do have world domination in mind, wait until the company sends you a promo code to get a discounted yearly subscription.

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open book in centre, camel and dancer to left. Zebra and owl to right
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