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Twitter Round Up

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There's been some great twitter posts (or tweets) lately and I thought I'd share a few of my favourites and I'm starting with one of my own. Not because I think I'm a great twit... er, tweeter, but because I wanted to share (again) some music I was listening to this morning via Youtube.

Listening to Highasakite cover Bon Iver's 'Heavenly Father' for @triplej Like A Version Beautiful! - Tweet by me.

I had never heard of this band before they came on the radio this morning or even this song, but knew I had to hear it again. As I've had this urge many times while listening to the radio in the car, I've subscribed to Triple J's "Like a Version" YouTube page. The "Like a Version" segment (every Friday morning) features a band who perform live on the radio one of their original songs plus a cover version of another, usually well-known song (or performer).

Click on the link above and listen to Highasakite - sensational! After that, scroll through all the other "Like a Version" performances and listen to whatever takes your fancy.

I retweeted this next post because I agree totally with their listing - at least as far as Stephen King's "On Writing".

RT @Novelicious: 5 editor-recommended books that will make you a better writer from @sytycwglobal #amwriting

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The rest of the list sounds really good as well and I've added them to my reading list. There is always room for improvement in everything, including writing!

I retweeted this tweet about how well YouTube is performing compared to the rest of social media. Silly me, didn't realise the link to the article had been cut off so then I had to find it again and tweet the link.

RT @TrishAnders: a recent study of paid social media finds that YouTube is more effective at driving sales than other platforms...

YouTube Drives More Sales... [Study] Link to full report at end of article.

It's quite interesting. I don't do much on YouTube other than listen to music, watch music videos and documentaries, and occasionally watch book and movie trailers. I use it alot but not for self or book promotion (not very smart). However, I will soon have a couple of videos of me talking at a panel (I know, bestill your beating hearts) at the recent Book Expo so I've created my own chanel so I can share them with you.

Finally, while I was "researching" this article (checking my "sent" tweets, that is) I came across a tweet linking to a poem written about Scotland's referendum on independence. They've elected to stay a member of the United Kingdom, but I think the journey, as a country and as individuals, that they've been on to reach this point has been well worth it. Something good will come of this (I feel it in my waters and I'm not even a Scot).

Because I was busy writing this blog post, I didn't get around to retweeting, but I wish I had. Here's the link:


And that's my Twitter round up for the day. Hope the links lead you to some interesting reading and listening.

Take care, Patricia

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