To market I go... a new novel to promote
Since my new novel, A Single Light, was released last week, I’ve been shooting off emails to potential reviewers, media and bookshops. I have a few items lined up over the next few weeks and have already received a couple of reviews. This last week, I completed an author interview, which will appear on Tracy M Joyce’s blog soon and next week I will record a second interview over Skype with @Beyond_t_Words and complete a phone interview with Cronulla News. I’ve also been invited to write a guest post for SF World.
At the same time, I’ve been creating a pile of cover images for social media, bookmarks, and a postcard. I’ll be taking my artwork to the printer on Monday and will have my items outs by the end of the week ready to give out to whoever happens to pass me by.
Naturally, I’ve also been reading and have finally started The Drago Tree by Isobel Blackthorn. I’m torn between wishing I’d started months ago and being glad to have it to read right now. I’m also glad to be reading it on my Kindle as I’ve just discovered the ease of note taking without marking the book or needing to juggle a pen and paper. I’ll either do a review when I’m done or email Isobel to let her know how much I love it!
It’s been a busy week and a half!