5 Questions - 5 Readers - 5 Weeks: Question 5 - To Be Read Piles
If you don't count my Kindle #tbr list, then my pile of books waiting for me to read appears quite manageable. No, wait! Beauty in the Thorns by Kate Forsyth needs to go on that pile too. Do you count "loaners" as well?
I could be in trouble. Though not nearly as much as my trusty gang of readers. I asked them, just how big is your to be read pile?

Here is my 'to read' pile (around 59 books), though that is not really all of them; it doesn't include books that friends have loaned me (I try to get those back quickly and unharmed, so they are in a separate pile!), digital downloads or any of my acting / directing / theatre-making books.

Oh no! Too tall to be reasonable!
This is just a snapshot of some of my must-read July picks and doesn’t account for the 10 books waiting on my Kindle.

Ah. Well, last time I actually counted (and it’s grown since then) it was over 300 *blushes*. See this bookcase? Yeah, that’s my tbr bookcase. I’m now up to 6 shelves double-stacked. Anyone want to pay me to read for a living?
Catherine :

Ugh. I have something in the region of 1000 books in my house, all logged, tagged and categorised on the library app libib.com (see my books here: catrad.libib.com ) so I know pretty accurately how distressingly large my #tbr is.
My app tells me I have 407 books to read, or the equivalent of about 3.5 years of reading.
Assuming of course that I don’t buy any more...

Haha, it’s massive. I have about 30-40 on the book shelf (these are by authors that I’ve just found and gone out and bought the back catalogue). And I have at least another 50+ on my Kindle.
I signed up to Bookbub who send daily offers of free and 99p books, and I just can’t stop myself! I find it’s a great way to try new authors.
Thing is now I’ve joined a couple of book blogging groups I’m hearing of even more books that I like the sound of. And I’ve just joined Netgalley, yikes! I blog about all the books that I’ve read and loved, more a recommendation than a review explaining why I’ve loved them without giving anything away.
And finally, Paul:
I have a one-shelf policy for physical books. So not many on there. My Kindle has a few hundred books on it that I have yet to read - thankfully that list can't be seen by anyone except me.
My readers are:
Thanks so much to Hazel, Candice, Catherine, Jay, Andrew, and Paul for participating in the 5 Questions feature!
If you'd like to share your answers to these questions or photos of your #tbr pile, go to the comments below or catch up with me on Facebook!