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The Novels I’m Reading and Reviewing in 2022

January: Behind the Veil by EJ Dawson

First review for the year is a gothic mystery involving mediums and the spirits they talk to set after World War 1. (Heads up! Loved it!)

February: The Ghosts of Thorwald Place by Helen Power.

My Valentine’s Day book review is another mystery involving ghosts, but from a different point of view. I don’t know that I’d say unique, but I haven’t read it so I’ll save judgement on originality until then. The blurb sounds good, though.

March: Ink & Sigil / Paper & Blood by Kevin Hearne—Book 1 and 2.

So we all know I loved Book 1. I haven’t written a double-review in a while. With a head full of magical sigils, leprechauns, hobgoblins, pixies, and goodness knows what else show up in Book 2, this could be a lot of fun!

January and February reviews will be part of Blackthorn Book Tours.

March is for the fun of it!


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